Allergies are a regular cause of itching in our pets. The main allergies encountered in veterinary dermatology are flea-bite allergies, food allergies and allergies to environmental allergens: house dust mites, storage dust mites, pollens… these are known as atopy. The latter affects 10 to 15% of the canine population. It can be seasonal in the case of pollen allergy.

In dogs
In dogs, many breeds are predisposed to allergies, with varying symptoms and conditions: itching, crusting, paw licking, allergic conjunctivitis, otitis, etc. The diagnosis and management of allergies in dogs is complex, and involves various treatments that complement each other: anti-pruritic, anti-parasitic, treatment of secondary infections, shampoos, re-establishment of the skin barrier, etc. Managing allergies requires good understanding and compliance on the part of the owner. In severe cases, and when care is inadequate, bacterial and fungal superinfections are frequent, requiring the repeated use of antibiotics or antimycotics.

Erythematoceruminous otitis in an allergic dog.
Pruritus” is the main symptom observed by the owner of an allergic dog. It can manifest itself by licking, scratching, biting or rubbing the affected areas. At a time when the excessive use of antibiotics is increasingly being criticized in veterinary medicine, early treatment of allergic animals and complementary examinations to detect the presence of bacterial superinfections are essential in order to implement a reasonable and appropriate treatment! If your pet scratches, don’t let it inflict lesions that could become superinfected. Seek prompt medical advice and avoid repeated administration of antibiotics!