+ 32 2 640 21 23 | Emergency 24/24, 7/7

Orthopedic surgery and traumatology

A trained and competent team,
state-of-the-art equipment and techniques



We use the same equipment found in many human hospitals. We perform osteoarticular surgeries on a daily basis.

The complete care platform that we offer has a service equipped for emergency, resuscitation and intensive care, as well as complete monitoring offering the best guarantees for safe surgery and anesthesia.

With our ultra-complete panel of devices, instruments and surgical implants, we can perform any type of orthopedic surgery.



  • Osteo-articular traumatology
  • Cruciate ligament repair surgeries
  • Ligament reconstructions (NOVETECH)
  • Patella dislocations
  • Patella dislocations
  • Herniated discs (paralysis)
  • Herniated discs (paralysis)
  • Arthroscopic surgery
  • Hip dysplasia

Contact the clinic to make an appointment with  Dr Alexandre Charbonneau

Clinique Vétérinaire Champ du Roi

Rue Champ du Roi 145, 1040 Etterbeek

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