Correction of axial skeletal deformities
Growth disorders: consequences
The consequence of axis deformities usually leads to acute or chronic pain (lameness) and potentially to early joint degeneration (osteoarthritis).
Dr. Alexandre Charbonneau now offers a proven and well-documented 3D guide technique to date, the fruit of extensive experience gained since 2016: Dr. Charbonneau was, along with Dr. Bill Oxley, one of the first to take an interest in and use this technique.
The advantages of this procedure are the precision of the assessment of deviation/rotation and associated lesions, and the accuracy of the result obtained via a faster, less invasive procedure.
Diagnosis is based primarily on an orthopedic examination during the consultation. If treatment is required, 3D reconstruction imaging (CT SCAN) will be proposed, followed by an in-depth study in 3D CAD (3D computer-assisted surgery).
Where necessary, since 2016 Dr. Charbonneau has been offering the design and printing of high-precision 3D surgical guides (medical-grade, biocompatible material).
3D representation of members to be corrected
Creation of customized 3D guides
Printing 3D cutting and reduction guides
Design and printing of 3D guides for osteotomy and subsequent reduction to the desired, planned correct axis
Use of guides during surgery
3D-printed cutting guide and reduction guide made from medical-grade biocompatible material, followed by conventional osteosynthesis (= bone fixation) using plates and screws.

External rotation and valgus deviation of the tip of the left forelimb

Alignment of the two anterior teeth following corrective surgery
Prognosis for recovery
The prognosis is usually excellent, with early return to weight-bearing (same-day use in over 70% of cases) and excellent long-term results.