Your pet is showing abnormal symptoms, his behavior is changing, he’s not eating?
Call the clinic urgently for a check-up with the Champ du Roi clinic team on +32 2 640 21 23!
Small mammals, reptiles and birds are cared for by the Exoticsvets team in Champ du Roi.
In the event of an emergency, NAC’s will be seen by our team of emergency doctors who have been trained by our exclusive NAC veterinary consultants, Dr De Leeneer and Dr Lemmens.
They remain available 24/7 to assist the emergency doctors with more complex problems, and also reassess animals requiring hospitalization on a daily basis.
The 24-hour presence of the clinic’s veterinary surgeons ensures that animals are properly monitored and cared for.
Animals placed on infusions require constant monitoring, and many drugs need to be administered at regular intervals (every 4 or 6 hours, for example).