The myiasis
En été, il est recommandé de prêter un œil attentif à son lapin. En effet, outre les coups de chaleur, les myiases sont fréquentes.
Qu’est-ce qu’une myiase ?
Il s’agit d’une maladie parasitaire. Les mouches, attirées par un poil souillé ou par les plaies, viennent y pondre leurs œufs qui se développeront en asticot. Ces asticots vont alors se nourrir des tissus environnants. Il peut en résulter des plaies superficielles ou profondes nécessitant des soins parfois importants.
Dans quel cas cela peut-il se développer ?
Bien souvent sur des lapins affaiblis, présentant des plaies ou dont le poil est humide (par exemple souillé par de l’urine ou de la diarrhée). La zone ano-génitale est donc la plupart du temps le lieu de prédilection de ponte et développement des asticots.
Les lapins d’extérieur sont plus souvent atteints par ce genre de pathologie que les autres, dû à une plus forte population de mouche en milieu extérieur ainsi qu’à une surveillance limitée.
In summer, it’s a good idea to keep a close eye on your rabbit. In addition to heatstroke, myiasis is common.
What is myiasis?
Myiasis is a parasitic disease. Flies, attracted by a soiled coat or by wounds, lay their eggs, which then develop into maggots. These maggots then feed on the surrounding tissue. The result can be superficial or deep wounds, sometimes requiring extensive treatment.
When can this happen?
Very often on weakened rabbits, with wounds or damp fur (e.g. soiled by urine or diarrhoea). The ano-genital area is therefore most often the preferred place for maggots to lay eggs and develop.
Outdoor rabbits are more often affected by this type of pathology than other rabbits, due to a higher fly population in the outdoor environment and limited surveillance.Long-haired rabbits are also more prone to this type of pathology.
How to avoid it?
We recommend examining your rabbit at least 2-3 times a day to detect any signs of poor form, diarrhea or fur soiled with urine or other liquids.
Diarrhea in rabbits can have dental origins, so a suitable diet (mainly hay and vegetables) helps reduce the risk of developing it.
Frequent monitoring and cleaning of the environment is also essential. Soiled bedding and hay should be changed as soon as possible.
Don’t hesitate to brush your rabbit, especially if it has long hair, to prevent the hair from forming knots and easily soaking up urine or faeces.
If your pet’s coat is soiled by urine or diarrhoea, grooming is recommended while waiting for a veterinary appointment. This can be done with a mild animal shampoo, and the coat must be dried strictly (with a hair dryer, for example).
What to do in case of myiasis
In some cases, your rabbit’s prognosis may be life-threatening, so it’s vital to make an emergency appointment with your vet!
Keep your rabbit warm during the journey, and try to remove as many maggots as possible.
In the case of moderate to severe lesions, and depending on your rabbit’s general condition, hospitalization with painkillers, antibiotics and perfusion may be recommended. Local care may also be required.